Wikimedia Commons image by Alan Levine |
Week two of the ABC meme and my B is for the Black Welsh Mountain sheep. Or at least kind of. You see, I was gifted a fleece by a friend's Mum and I was informed that it was from a Black Welsh Mountain sheep so it should have looked like the feisty beastie above. Now, what would a dyer want with a black fleece I hear you ask? Well, I do like a black fleece as they are very useful for blending and for contrasts in yarn, black being a difficult colour to achieve when dyeing fleece. So as I wasn't expecting to dye my new acquisition, I put it in the cupboard ready for when it was needed.
So I was not a little surprised when I was having a fleecy stock-take and found that my black fleece was in fact, white!
(It was in a thick sack hence why I hadn't noticed beforehand). Mmm, well not so much white as a rather mucky brown.
Added to that the fact that is had been at the back of my cupboard for...let's just say a while shall we?... and I wasn't wildly optimistic.
Here's what I had when I opened the sack.....
And in the bucket (think yourselves lucky the internet hasn't got smell-o-vision).
But, after several washes, I ended up with this.....
Sure there are some daggy bits but it is actually beautifully soft with a nice crimpy staple (about 4" give or take). There's no kemp and the best areas are bright white. Of course now I a) can't wait to dye it and spin it and b) am intrigued to know what it is! Any suggestions anyone? (Oh, and it is a large fleece - we are talking Wensleydale size here - The pic above is barely a quarter of it!).
Here's the staple for you fleece sleuths out there....
(For more info about the real Black Welsh Mountain sheep, check the breed website,