So much to fit in at the moment and so little time to blog!
We had such a fab holiday in Cornwall this year (after last year's noro virus disaster), that I thought I'd share a few highlights (please skip this post if the very idea of other people's holiday photos has you yawning!).
Sandcastles (well, sand cities really) are a big feature of the Tomkies' holiday experience and above you can see the first one of the week.
There was the Lappa Valley Railway...

This was a fab day out. Three little steam engine rides, mini-golf, canoeing on the lake (well, big pond really), an amazing disused beam engine and tower, all contained in a secluded, hidden valley. You travel to the site in the little train you can see above so there are no cars and it's really peaceful.

Then Flambards....
Sadly my love affair with rollercoasters was ended with the brain tumour so I missed out on this...


...and this...

But I did manage this...

..and, erm, this...

I don't think I'll be appearing on "Adrenalin Junkie" any time soon! ; )
(More later but have just taken club pics so I'll put them up first, I think...)