Yippee! I've finally got my design mojo back and this month I have my latest design featured in Simply Knitting : )
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I hope the evidence of dyeing all the yarn for the new colour range isn't obvious on my little paws (yes, they are my hands in those pics, honest!). I spent hours scrubbing and manicuring them, although Pete maintains he still spent ages airbrushing me to make them look neater!
Speaking of the new hand-dyed range, it is in my lovely lambswool/angora/cashmere DK yarn - absolutely soft and squishable and substitutable into most DK patterns. The pic above is "Sea blue-green" for those who like their knitting bright. For those who like something a bit more subtle, check out "Camouflage", coral and denim (yes, I can do subtle!). Oh, nearly forgot, there's a special offer price for Simply Knitting readers, too : )
Next month is the matching jacket and the "how-to" topic is "steeking". And I'll be teaching steeking at Baa Ram Ewe in Leeds if you'd like to learn how to cut your knitting with me alongside you to cheer you on!