Just a quick message to all club members. Fibre clubs were posted on Friday so these should be with you any time now. Sock clubs are slightly later this month as there was a hold-up with yarn deliveries, however, your sock parcels are ready to go first thing tomorrow by first class post, so keep an eye out for the postie : )
Monday, 25 January 2010
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Gifts - part one...

I must have been a very good girl (no laughing there!) last year, as I got some beautiful hand-made gifts for Christmas, and I realise that I haven't even shared them with you.
This is a set of hand-knitted and felted yarnbowls that Julia made for me. They are such a perfect match for my living room (and even match the yarn I've been spinning for my blankie!).
I've christened them Mama, Papa & Baby Joe because they remind me of one of the books I used to read to Will when he was small and it was one of those read over and over (and over and over and...) books that he never seemed to tire of. I think it was an ex-library book as it was certainly "well-loved", so I guess Will wasn't the only one who liked it. It was kinda quirky, but then that's often what kids love (anyone else still able to recite the Dr Seuss books verbatim?).
Anyway, I digress.
And here is the close-up of one of my bowls (Papa, in case you're wondering). It has such gorgeous texture and richness of colour.

Thank you, Julia : ))
(More to follow - watch this space!)....
Monday, 11 January 2010
When your house smells like wet sheep...

...it's time to call..... "Incense Man"!
Got some more lovely nag champa incense cones for Christmas so thought I'd have a nice, meditative half hour before I hit the workshop again to tackle fleece two and dye batches two and three (and four if I can manage it). That and the fact that if anyone calls they might keel over with the niff of soggy fleece (oops). Bit of an "acquired taste" that one.
(Oh, and this is Wisp my incense dragon. The cone goes on the inside and the smoke comes out of his mouth - neat, huh?).
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